
AmbieSense, originally, was a European Union funded R&D project (EU-IST 2001-34244 AmbieSense). See www.ambiesense.net for further information about the project. The project was successfully completed on 24 September 2004. The project period was 1 April 2002 to 1 October 2004.

AmbieSense developed applications for Seville city centre and Oslo airport. The applications were extensively tested by travellers and tourists at these sites - 238 travellers and tourists participated in evaluating them, and a further of 438 responded to our market survey. During the project, these have already received wide publicity (3 TV channels, 3 radio stations, and several newspapers). The publicity has continued also after the project in TV, radio, and newspapers.

The company is very grateful and humble for the support and contributions from The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scottish Enterprise, Vodafone Foundation, and Innovation Norway.

Thank you very much for having faith in us!